Getting Menstrual Cycle Back
Student: Hi Amy, It’s been a while.. I hope you have settled well back to NYC as well as enjoyed your time in Ibiza. What a wonderful place to discover. I’ve been thinking of you lots lately and if you were still in Bali, would’ve tried to come to see you. My partner and I got married […]
Feeling Bloated
Student: Hi Amy, I feel really bloated now. This is my second day of liquid only consisting: 1 lemon juice 2 green juice 1 coconut water 1 coconut mylk (flesh+water+strained) 1 turmeric lemonade with stevia I’ve started fasting since 16-19 January consisting lemon, green juice, coconut smoothie/mylk, and 1 salad. The first 2 days I […]
Tired and Lacking Energy
Student: Happy New Year Amy and great to see you are taking your Wisdom to Europe this year. I have been feeling very tired and lacking of energy for many months now. I believe I must have some Kind of Parasites. What do you recommend for a home remedy to rid of them? I’m running […]
Detox Support – Q & A
Hello dears, I have been getting a few questions during the detox period, and I would like to share them with you as support: Q: I’m still breastfeeding…is this protocol possible for this? A: Breastfeeding while cleansing is possible, just understand that your baby will also detox right along with you. I recommend going slow […]
Parasites & Getting Enough Nutrition
A student from our last raw food chef and detox training recently asked some questions about parasites, and getting enough nutrition – thought to share this with you. Your knowledge is extremely profound and I am so happy you share this all! I have all that understanding about retoxing, sugar and adrenals, alkaline imbalances and […]
My mum and Asthma
Q : I have been really concerned about my mum’s conditions. She’s had asthma for years, the triggers are usually change of weather and stress. Lately it’s become worse and worse, and I’m worried because she’s on her own. She also takes asthma medicine (that I think causes her mood swings) Is there anything natural […]
Q&A – Understanding Stored Gasses
Q: Dear one I have a question, I searched the internet for hours/days to find a answer for a symptom which i have for years already. Since several years (maybe 5 years) I belch a lot. The burps come with quite a lot of air and pressure. As soon as I belch I feel immediately […]
Perimenopause Pregnancy, You Pregnant?!
Hi Amy! I really love your newsletters and seeing all the wonderful things you are thinking, feeling, experiencing! I have a question…I am fighting the odds and really feel the desire to get pregnant. I’m 46 so it won’t be easy but I am starting with my diet and trying to make sure I am […]
Teeth and Raw Food
Hoi Amy, I feel my teeth are decaying fast since I started raw food. They have become porous and combined with jaw gnashing / clamping of my teeth they wear out faster. Also I feel they’ve turned more yellow. I eat leafy greens, green apples, carrots, celery, almonds. Lemon and physalis juice I drink through […]