A little recipe Advice

Client: In the Gabriel Cousins recipes in Rainbow Green Cuisine, when he says use a Champion juicer with a solid plate what should I use? Omega juicer, food processor or Vitamix?  For example in his recipe for Almond Seed Crackers he wants the soaked almonds plus the carrot pulp to go through that process. Dr. […]

Healing or band-aiding?

Client: I didn’t sleep last night and wondering if you have any advice or wisdom to share on this digestion issue. Seems I have low hcl so I’ve been taking  a digestive enzyme at dinner the past few years. If I don’t my stomach will keep me up.   2 weeks ago I ran out of […]

Health Inner Saboteur? 7 Tips For Getting What You Want

Happy winter in the west, and summer in the east! Day 18 of a fast, and I’m feeling fine – especially after a great colonic session with a wonderful therapist today who managed to move a brick of gas sitting in my belly. After, my eyes got brighter, my energy came up, I’m breathing better, and my […]

Endings & New Beginnings

Hello Dearest Reader, What are you leaving behind in 2017 and inviting in ’18?  What would give you closure for anything left hanging – such as communicating unresolved feelings, following up on a commitment, reaching out to someone you’ve been meaning to contact, etc.  What are you inviting for the new year? What’s been the most significant […]

Nov. News, Metoo, Youtoo, Wetoo

Hello Dearest Reader, Better late than never this edition! With so much media around the Metoo topic – that historically has been subconscious and suppressed – its now been plunged to the collective surface. Most every woman (and many men) I know personally, and have worked with, have experienced some form of violation. Myself included from conception through childhood, and on… until […]

October News

Yesterday, sitting outside in a London cafe, I began writing you amidst a balmy chill, beneath an eerie red sky. Very strong winds from the Sahara desert were blowing north from Africa, as a result of a hurricane off the northern coast of the UK that originated in the Azores. Fires, hurricanes, earthquakes and volcano’s are center […]

7 Ways To Tame Your Inner Task Master

Hello Dearest Readers…. I had a strong response to last month’s newsletter on perfectionism.  Seems many of us relate to the quest for excellence gone awry.  You’re feedback inspired me to speak to its pesky twin – pressure and pride. In my experience they go hand in hand, when what may have started as a positive […]

Cleanse Q&A

Student: Dear Amy, I just wanted to update you and thank you. The cleanse went really well and I did 3 enemas 4 days running and this was the most powerful experience I have ever had with enemas. One was coffee. but i was in deep meditation and journeying with them, as profound as any […]

Starting Your Cleanse

Student: Hi Amy, Thank you for Saturday’s webinar. I am now doing the juice only for 7 days, so thanks for that extra encouragement. I am just a bit confused about the enema and I can’t use the link on the manual. Could you send me the link? I am just a bit confused as to how much […]