Starting Your Cleanse
Student: Hi Amy, Thank you for Saturday’s webinar. I am now doing the juice only for 7 days, so thanks for that extra encouragement. I am just a bit confused about the enema and I can’t use the link on the manual. Could you send me the link? I am just a bit confused as to how much […]
Perfectionism v. True Value
Dearest Reader, In the Italian woods now, we’re making our way back home to Ibiza tomorrow to prepare for our wedding. After loads of travel, I’ve been wrapping up projects and the past. I feel well traveled by more than just miles, and quieted by the focus of juggling many balls simultaneously on a few […]
Birthing A Breakthrough, Part 2
Dearest Reader, Have you been asking questions such as: “what’s it all for?” “does my life matter?” “what am I here for?” “does anything I do really matter anyway?” Perhaps you have health challenges that require you’re full undivided attention. Work trials rocking you to the core – raising fears for survival, self-worth, and instability […]
Birthing A Breakthrough, Part 1
Dearest Reader, My inner sense says we’re collectively just about on the other side of labor pains, getting ready give to birth; finally hatching what may feel like being 9 months pregnant, through the many lives and changes we’ve lived along the way! In the past, we may have said “just push more.” What’s been quite a […]
Detox Q&A
Thinking of starting a cleanse? Here are some FAQ! Q: What do you consider vegetable juice? I saw the recipe for green juice at the bottom of the information you sent. It doesn’t seem like combining those veggies will produce that much juice (you recommend 3 liters a day!). Can I combine any different veggies […]
Rising, No Matter Falls, Part 2
Dearest Reader, Have you ever felt on top of the world, at the top of your game, then lost it? Or held in the grace of love, ease, and all things flowing – then it stops, and you find yourself perplexed and/or stagnating? I understand! Leaving Bali 2 years ago, the strong platform I had built […]
Rising, No Matter Falls, Part 1
Ah summer – for those of us in the west. In the east and down under cooler times have come. Once again, we’re offered the opportunity to shift and re-orient into the vantage point of yet another perspective. Wherever you are, how’s your fluidity – and adaptability – to seasons, changes, and answering the call […]
Health Q&A
Q: Hi Amy, Thanks for sharing Dr. Cahill’s contact information and for strongly encouraging me to see him when I was fearful of the cost and wavering. I went to see him yesterday and very glad that I did. He found TWO parasitic infections in me. They are e.histolytica and trichuris trichiura. Are these familiar to […]
Intense Times? The Breakthrough Series, Part 2… Open To Intimacy
Blocks and self-doubt often preclude breakthroughs, and breaking out. “What’s with all the constant change and so much happening at once?” asked one of my clients recently, catching her breath. She’s been feeling overwhelmed and somewhat unsure of herself lately, despite her many accomplishments. What to do with so much going on, before yet another […]