7 Tips for a Healthy Holiday

How’s your holiday season kicking off? Feeling good in both belly and a happy heart? With our holiday traditions, as we all know, can also come the challenge of food and drink being the center point of connecting and celebration. When our intimacy needs end up revolving around consumption, one festivity after another, we may […]

7 Reasons Why Raw Doesn’t Work

Hello Friends, Do you put pressure on yourself to eat a certain way, do yoga/exercise, or feel guilty if you’re not taking care of yourself according to particular practices (i.e. beliefs)?  As a naturopath, I see people approach health from many angles, with varying results.  People teach me that health often has less to do […]

How To Succeed with Your Health Intentions

Hello From Chilly San Francisco! Wow – though I love the bay area, I’m really looking forward to getting on the plane back home to Bali Friday!  Wow, these micro-climates are so unpredictable… kind of like life, and often our health choices when we feel unstable with them. Do you have trouble sticking with your […]

ready to detox? 10 tips to get you started!

Prepare yourself mentally by setting up a detoxing frame of mind. What does this mean? It means getting set up logistically, so you know what to do, getting what you’ll need in place, so you’re prepared and have a strong determination. See more at: http://www.yogitimes.com/article/detox-cleanse-tips-start-eating-diet-how-to-what/#sthash.I0osNRgX.dpuf

Benenfits of Detoxification

Though detox has become popular in recent years, understanding it as something one does in a day, week, or longer – may not give us a deeper understanding of a very important fact.  This crucial information gone unnoticed can mislead, create confusion and distrust, and mystify a process that is happening 24/7. See more at: […]

Contentment, Confusion, & Ego Disidentification

Hi Amy,  I just want to tell you how content I felt after our last group meeting. I felt so comfortable in meditation and really happy to be where I was. It’s so amazing to witness the growth everyone is going through, and inspiring. I am filled with so much gratitude to be here. Last night […]


Dear Amy, I’m checking in with you because I didn’t go to group tonight. Last night my head started hurting and my sinuses have been expelling mucus since. I have no hunger and my body feels relief in fasting. I had the best dance rehursal yet, I was more present and able to absorb information. […]

Hearing from Beloveds & Priorities

Hi Amy, I was trying to make it to our special day, but physically I was too sick to make it there. I am fasting with the group and am planning to complete the 14 days.I really feel I need the fast and the last 3 days I have had very little energy. I have […]

Break Through

hi amy, i woke up today feeling much better – the power of anicha – remembering this shall pass too was very obvious to me when i woke up. then as i thought about what i wrote, i realized that i can find strength in the group. i called heather and told her about my […]