
June 28, 2013
by Amy Rachelle

Dear Amy,

I’m checking in with you because I didn’t go to group tonight. Last night my head started hurting and my sinuses have been expelling mucus since. I have no hunger and my body feels relief in fasting. I had the best dance rehursal yet, I was more present and able to absorb information. Thank you, so much for the knowledge and guidance you share. I really enjoyed reading the newsletter.

Much Love

***Thanks for being in touch love. Yes, the detox has kicked in hot and heavy for many of us – how blessed, I love the way it works every single time without fail.  It always gives us what we need. You’re so welcome!  Thank you for being a receptor for it and helping me to engage a very purposeful life… so rich and rewarding. I’m very happy to hear about your dancing – excellent! May you continue reveling in your gift that we all get o benefit from.

Love you much! Amy

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