July 2015 Newsletter
It’s been quite some time since I’ve written, though I’ve been writing to you in my mind for a while. While I’ve missed our interactions and reaching out, it’s been a great time of change, rearrange, introspection, and integration – into another way of being – that continues. How about you, in the midst of […]
Detox Q & A w/ Dr. Amy Rachelle
Hey Friends! Here is another series of detox questions received from clients: How important are the two 14 day cleanses for my tongue healing?>the healing of your tongue will happen over years, not weeks – though you’ll likely see an improvement right away. This tell you you’re headed in the healing direction, and when it […]
Sex: As a pathway to conscious loving
Sex. As a pathway to conscious loving, it helps me to open, shows me where I don’t, and reflects to me where primal passion can either be one dimensional, or an opportunity for a greater state of awareness, and knowing and loving myself – beyond the flesh. Linked to the heart, hormonal levels can balance, […]