
July 21, 2012
by Amy Rachelle

What would be the difference between table salt and the salts like Himalayan- or sea-salts?
What makes them any better then the “regular table salt”?
Don’t they also consist of the sodium-chloride bond?

Salt is a controversial topic.  Some view it as a health hazard, and others a health hero – and yes, whether table, rock, or from the sea, salt is Sodium Chloride, NaCl.  Organic sea salt is 98% NaCl and 2 percent comprised of 80 elements (minerals). Regular table salt is said to have only 2 or 3 elements. Common salt is stripped (and bleached) of almost all its essential elements which render it imbalanced.  Heating it to extremely high temperatures nearing 1500 degrees F coat the salt crystals so they won’t be affected by moisture.  This guarntees a consistent product which makes it pour without clogging in any weather conditons. Devoid of it proper mineral balance, its known to streak the artiries with granular deposit which cause swelling and a lack of circulation – this contributes to high blood pressure, heart trouble, kidney disease and eczema, among other problems.
Salt in its unprocessed form contains all the vital minerals and trace elements that our body needs – keeping in mind that our blood composition is similar to the sea water. Whether we can fully absorb may be another question.
Part of the salt debate is that Sodium Chloride is an inorganic mineral and therefore cannot be properly absorbed by the body, since only organic minerals are absorbable.  This is part of the controversy with salt – whether humans can actually absorb inorganic minerals, i.e. NaCI.  Research can be found that validates and discredits both views.
My own view is that sea salt can be beneficial used in balance (about 1 – 1 1/2 teaspoons per day), yet may contribute to some of the same arterial build up as regular table salt if over consumed.  Remember, its sodium we need, not salt.  Celery, leafy greens seeds, carrots, figs, apples, dried fruit, and cabbage contain a high percentage of sodium that is definitely useable.  Sea salt may be useful in keeping our mineral levels balanced, so long as not done.  I also recommend drinking plenty of water in a day to assist in flushing out any excess accumulation.  And if you experience swelling, puffy eyes, and/or stiffness, you may want to eliminate it for a week or so, and see if your symptoms disappear.  Then reintroduce it and see if your symptoms return. If they do, you’ll know your body isn’t processing the form of sodium your taking in, so best to reduce or eliminate it.  And of course, avoid table salt all together.

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