Boarding a flight from Bali to Ibiza, my heart soars with excitement for change. Reflecting upon this last cycle around the sun, I’m filled with wonder, awe, and the need to sit in deep reflective silence – extracting every drop of love, lessons and learning from this past year. Nothing like a 30-hour journey to get the decompression started!
Slowing down completely, and listening from a different – more quiet – part of myself, gives me the sense of doing due diligence; to work smarter, not harder, and gain access to what I may otherwise miss in full go. This feels healing and regenerative, and essential to get the most out of the past year, opening to 2017 in a fresh way. Done are they days of high-speed motion, and only partially squeezing the juice of life, because I’m just too busy to enjoy what I create, and those I love!
What a year it’s been! Seems transformation is well upon us! More than ever before, so many are making huge life changes: letting go of unhealthy relationships, leaving behind unfulfilling careers, moving home, embracing the unknown, facing fears, and ultimately reaping the benefits of metamorphosis. For some, it could also be that the challenges get stronger, where noticing – or the invitation for transmutation – is overlooked, or undervalued. Whatever our willingness level, it seems the train of transformation can’t be stopped, and has picked up to full speed, whether we’re on board or not.
Makes one wonder what 2017 will bring. Surely good things, as we embrace the challenges we all have to face, personal to global. One thing seems sure, we’re ready and in progress, individually and collectively, soul to psyche, for the shift that’s well underway. May we trust and open ourselves fully to the bigger picture working through us, that often shows up as opportunities, disguised as obstacles.
To help you get the most out of this past year, and to open to 2017, here’s some questions. I suggest taking your time, write over a few days or weeks, choosing a time when you’ll be finished (perhaps early January?).
- What are you saying goodbye to with the close of the year (this could be a person, place, or thing – a behavior, habit, or way of being)?
- What have you learned this year that’s most poignant to you?
- How can you best learn from it, and enrich your growth forward?
- Is there anything left unsaid, or undone with relationships, work, home, etc., that you’d like to make peace with, in order to start the New Year fresh?
- What are you inviting into your life in 2017?
- How do you see yourself living, loving, and growing in 2017 through what brings you the most joy, excitement, and passion?
- How can you take the best care of yourself in 2017, from the depths of your soul to the greatest health of your body?
- What are you challenges in 2017? How can you bring grace, ease, and self-care first into these situations?
- What support do you need in the coming year?
With self-care at the top of the list for inviting in the New Year, how about getting started with a 1 + day cleanse? If you don’t already have our 1-day cleanse manual, just ask and I’ll send it to you.
Like to go deeper into your cleanse, or even deeper with learning how to teach Holistic Nutrition & Detox? See below for more details.
My Love To You!
Happy Holy-Days!
Dr. Amy
Online 7-Day New Years Cleanse, January 15 – 22
Ready to start the year fresh? Plan for it now. Join us for 3 webinars over the week and learn:
*how to cleanse, with the Pure Raw Cleanse Protocol No. 1
*the science and spirit of detox
*how to get the most our of your process
Be Supported:
*outreach to Dr. Amy by email and Skype
Join a like-minded international community who share your passion, enthusiasm – and yes challenges – for bettering your health… body, mind, and soul.
Holistic Nutrition & Detox Teachers Training. Online & Live Year Long Study, January 15 – December 15.
Practicum to Theory Home Study + Bali Retreat
Like to deepen your knowledge of health, nutrition, and personal well-being… science to spirit? This course is excellent for the beginner to advanced. Live to your greatest potential, and optionally become a teacher.
-close mentoring with Dr. Amy
-study Dr. Amy’s 3 online programs over 18 months under her guidance.
-come to Bali for our Holistic Nutrition & Detox retreat as an intern.
-learn tools, techniques, science and theory
-learn how to set up your own business
-much more!!!
Contact Dr. Amy for more info, amy@amyrachelle.com
About Dr. Amy
Based in New York City, Amy Rachelle is a naturopath specializing in raw and whole food nutrition combined with detoxification, and understanding oneself, science to spirit. She created Pure Raw in 2005 and has since coached thousands in living and eating healthier. Her work is a successful and proven formula that helps people to:
- develop lifelong habits for eating and living healthy, physical to emotional, personal to professional.
• balance body weight
• heal skin imbalances (acne, psoriasis, eczema, etc.)
• be free of digestive difficulties, colitis, constipation, bloating, headaches, candida, gas, headaches, dark circles under eyes, back pain, & fatigue
• regain skin elasticity, feel fresh and whole with more energy, greater vibrancy, and a vibrant presence
• feel purposeful, be free of depression, balance mental stability, heal relationships, gain clarity