Your New Year Start: Progress or Pressure?

January 25, 2019
by Amy Rachelle

Amy Rachelle
Hello Hello!
How’s the start to your New Year?  Do you feel like you’re progressing, do you feel pressure, or perhaps a mix of both?
Often we’re full of inspiration for a new start, excited about the possibilities, what we can achieve, and even recommitting to dreams we may lost sight of.  And if we’re progressing with the intentions we started with, we may feel on track, dialed into what we really want, and have a sense of personally growing. If not – well, the old pressure cooker may get amped up, our self-worth may get squeezed upon, and we may feel restless.  The call to evolve seems to have its own agenda outside the meanderings of the mind – that’s often unwavering.  Unheeded this urge can make us feel quite anxious, like we’re crawling the walls.  Movement is often required to avoid the pitfalls of what not giving it attention can bring:  irriatability, aggiatation, relationship difficulties, not feeling like we’re getting anywhere, procrastination, pressure, etc… urgh!
A combination of all of this has been my personal experience in the past couple of weeks. Coming off a honeymoon high a few days ago, the long list was even longer…. and some of the things I’m committed to, just don’t seem to have the time and space needed.  As the old pressure pattern dug its hooks in, I felt myself feeling crabby and irritable.  Breathe I tell myself.  Then I’m reminded to step back, and reconsider this old familiar pattern, ripe for my attention to – well, exactly….  grow.
Reexamining my approach, here’s what’s helping me to realign and reconsider this opportunity – disguised as an obstacle!:
1.  Reframe how I view progress, and pressure.  I put the pressure on, and I can take it off, just by how I choose to see things.  Ah, time to see things from a different angle and make different choices!
2. Perfectionism issues?  Yep, me too… when I step out of micro managing and look from the bigger picture, I realize (again) my self-worth can’t be garnered by how much I produce.
3. Reprioritize.  I remind myself what’s truly important, and come back into what I do have, instead of measuring myself by what I haven’t yet accomplished.  I put my inner well-being make in number 1 position, and do what it takes to protect meditation, yoga, and writing. What keeps you well and how can you best protect it?
4.  Take days off.  Duh I say to myself.  Of course, that’s what I wish for everyone – and also need!  I remember to give myself what I know creates balance. And stick to it, no matter mind-stuff.
5.  Create Space To Avoid Addiction. Giving myself space and time to focus on my inner world, rather than jumping right to work in the morning, really helps me manage addictive tendencies.  Wine, chocolate, and escapes can be quite seductive when my inner demand is untamed with self-kindness. Self time and space can be the difference between true growth and contrived “progress” – that I can’t quite keep up with.
If you’re needing to reposition your New Years start, I hope this is helpful!
Here’s to starting again, continuously… every day is a new day.
My love to you!

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