Welcoming Change

September 27, 2018
by Amy Rachelle

Dearest Reader,
Happy summer (or winter for those in AU and the east)!  Ah, my favorite time of year.  Living in Bali for so long, I almost forgot other seasons exist besides sticky wet hot.  Spending less time there and experiencing the full range of seasons again for the first time in 7 years, I really appreciate the heat, yet in a different way. Amazing how contrast can put things in perspective.
It’s been an intense few years for many people.  Though many things may have changed in your life, has it brought you full circle with a different view?  In the cycle of loss and gain, death and rebirth, are you relearning some things all over again?   Are you changed as a result of what you’ve experienced in recent years?
As gentle waves lap against the side of Angelina, Anthony’s (my partner) beautiful museum like sail boat, I write you to a gentle rocking lull.   We’re preparing to sail to Croatia, out at sea with only God and nature as our witness.  Actually we’ll have Anthony’s son Alfie and their family friend Enzo with us.  At 75 Enzo just had open-heart surgery, cut groin to heart, due to a blocked aorta.  The Italian diet of pasta, bread, meat and cheese has been his comfort and culture.  Though to his digestive system it’s been close to fatal.  It hasn’t worked for over half his life… literally.
Dependent on enemas for 40+ years, changing his diet or lifestyle hasn’t been a consideration.  Beyond resistance, it simply isn’t an awareness he’s been exposed to, or had interest to seek out.  After surgery, his view changed.  He’s come full circle to appreciate health in a whole new way.  Juicing, and eating a vegan/high raw diet with us on board, he opened to something he never imagined, while enjoying it!   He doesn’t speak English much, nor do I Italian, yet a beauty and magic developed between us as I slowly watched his body and mind shift.  It’s a miracle really.  Changing his thinking and eating habits has given him a chance to live, and experience another part of himself, he may have otherwise missed.  The beginning stages of his elimination (therefore digestive system), started working again, and I can only imagine the insights and growth ripe for transmission.
My heart melts, and my devotion heightens, yet again.  It reminds me why I do what I do, and reinforces my passion for not only fasting and raw, yet for the human condition.  Of course the one constant is change, and it’s happening in every second.  Disintegrating one part of self, while simultaneously strengthening another.  In tandem with the cycle of life and death, it comes full circle yet again like a perennial – to bud, bloom, die, repeat. I find it comforting to remember it’s not happening to us, yet for us.
What’s coming full circle for you?  What opportunity does it offer?  Shedding to shine, may we welcome all phases of life as they change and transform us, remaining open to the different forms and flavors they may take.
Love & Support from Italy, as the Great Teacher of Change and Cycles take us full circle back to the one thing that never changes…. the love we share.
Dr. Amy

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