Intense Times? The Breakthrough Series, Part 1

May 19, 2017
by Amy Rachelle

Breakups to breakdowns to breakthroughs…. when our world feels like it’s falling apart, what if it’s crashing to come together in a whole new way?  What if the answer to our prayers comes not only in happiness, yet also in hardship? When life brings us to our knees, for the humbled, it can be an opportunity to disintegrate and dissolve what’s no longer working, rebirth, and find new footing. Not to mention the myriad of opportunities for sharpening awareness. The willingness to let go, allow life to break us down, and simply not know – is a labor of love and invitation to birth the new – and breakthrough.
Beyond the potential risk and pitfall of getting stuck in unresolved patterns, life’s intensities can be a form of medicine, an opportunity to feel, heal, discover and resuscitate secret dreams, and ultimately repair relationships – primarily the one within.
Once the shock has been absorbed, and we’ve gotten past the initial stages of hurt – what if the intensities and sharp-edges also serve as blows to the beliefs that tell us we aren’t good enough, or worthy on some level? Perhaps it’s simply more opportunities to love ourself that much more, no matter what. If not for the Great Pain Penetrator, we may have little reason to de-armor, feel our own fragility and vulnerability; question what we’re doing and what may seem like a nice normal life.  Breaking out of the status quo, another world awaits.  Creating your world to your greatest liking, what does it look like?
Like spring storms bring summer, and weeding a garden most often brings bounty, there can be many perils in the quest for pearls.  Going for what we really want, is an invitation to inquiry. It asks us to adventure into our own (inner) work.  “Whether by hook or by crook”, force or acts of nature, the opportunity for success is present within every failure.  Receiving the blows as gifts, and breathing into sucker-punches, may be the difference between feeling stuck, and breaking through.  The willingness to feel it all, not know, dig deep inside – and ultimately persist, no matter the fumbling we face – is to receive and rise from every failing and fall, and every disaster, and every loss.
When the central pillar of your life, or the very ground you stand upon crumbles or collapses – how do you handle lives inevitable foibles?
Though I don’t always want to embrace – or feel – what comes with unavoidable change, there’s another part of me welcoming transformation. The part that’s patiently inviting me to know myself better, like a inquisitive child always interested to play.  You know that part, yes?
I happened to be on day 11 of a juice fast when I got the news of my fathers’ sudden death last month.  My belly was so very constricted with emotion, eating was out of the question for almost a week after.  I was so thankful to be fasting.  It’s as if a part of me knew, and was preparing.  Not only for his passing, yet also for the receiving that I had no idea death also brings.  Integrating these very deep intensities is the place from which I now write you.  Breathing a bit deeper a few weeks later, I’m in awe of how emotions and experiences shape, shift, and change us.

As of late, one of the biggest messages I receive is to let go of the agenda(s) that typically dictate my day, and just receive.  Stop working so hard in hopes of aim, out of blind ambition, and the patterns that fuel such behavior, and yes, just receive. To receive, I’m asked to feel.  Everything. All of me… the broken bits, what I push away, and the Greater Wholeness that’s undisturbed, no matter the surface flaps. I’m comforted to be reminded of the stillness in the calm inner depths within.  Making time and space for receiving is easy slack-jawed… stunned, there’s been nothing else I could do really.  Though as I reintegrate a new reality each day, I (re)learn how crucial a life of practice is for wellbeing…. and to keep making space for it, for receiving. For me this means daily meditation, yoga/exercise often, breathing, fasting, clean eating, and a creative loving life.  What does it mean for you?
Dear friend, much like my own process, may the inquiry open you to receiving in a whole new way.  You too have probably worked hard enough in one form or another.  May it be light, with receiving serving you.
My love to you..
P.S. I will be writing you again soon this month with part 2 of The Breakthrough Series.

Dr. Amy
It’s back by popular demand… Our
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3-Part Series, May – July
Gateways To Intimacy:
Relationships & Sexuality

with Dr. Amy Rachelle, ND & special guest Anthony Abbagnano
What’s the connection between cleansing, relationships, and intimacy?  Many of us clean up our diet and health, though what about our sexuality, and how we relate?
In this intimate and candid exploration, we’ll delve into how we think and feel about intimacy and sexuality. We’ll learn to navigate gateways to intimacy that offer breakthroughs in barriers, while turning obstacles to opportunities. We’ll discuss the map and outcome of what we all want most… the greatest of love, intimacy, relationships, and sexuality.
To join this free online webinar, simply register here:
We look forward to meeting you online!
Upcoming Live Events

London, May 14
Triyoga – Camden Studio
Breathwork & Detox with Amy & Anthony
Zurich, May 20-21
Alchemy of Breath – Seeds of Alchemy
2 Day Breathwork Workshop & Detox with Amy & Anthony
NYC, July 4 – 24
Amy’s Intuitive Naturopathic Private Sessions
Every year we give away 1 Indonesian, and 1 Western Scholarship for our Holistic Nutrition & Detox Retreat, Bali, Oct. 30-Nov. 17.
Entry deadline August 1, 2017
Winners announced September 1, 2017
Write Dr. Amy with the following:
-why you’re applying
-what you’ll do with the information you learn
-how you’ll give back
We’re seeking subscriptions for our new web site that’s about to launch. Like to submit a piece on health and related topics?
Send us what you have under 400 words, we’ll check it out and get back to you!
About Dr. Amy
Based in New York City, Amy Rachelle is a naturopath specializing in raw and whole food nutrition combined with detoxification, and understanding oneself, science to spirit.  She created Pure Raw in 2005 and has since coached thousands in living and eating healthier. Her work is a successful and proven formula that helps people to:
• develop lifelong habits for eating and living healthy, physical to emotional, personal to professional.
• balance body weight
• heal skin imbalances (acne, psoriasis, eczema, etc.)
• be free of digestive difficulties, colitis, constipation, bloating, headaches, candida, gas, headaches, dark circles under eyes, back pain, & fatigue
• regain skin elasticity, feel fresh and whole with more energy, greater vibrancy, and a vibrant presence
• feel purposeful, be free of depression, balance mental stability, heal relationships, gain clarity

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