Birthing A Breakthrough, Part 2

August 23, 2017
by Amy Rachelle

Dearest Reader,
Have you been asking questions such as:  “what’s it all for?”  “does my life matter?”  “what am I here for?”  “does anything I do really matter anyway?”
Perhaps you have health challenges that require you’re full undivided attention.  Work trials rocking you to the core – raising fears for survival, self-worth, and instability ++.  Perhaps relationship issues ask your due diligence.  At the same time, The Great Existential Crisis may be upon you (hence the feelings of “what’s it all for”, etc…).
Whatever your situation, if you’re cruising with minimal bumps and bruises in these tentative times, congratulations. You may be in the minority, and certainly have words of wisdom to share with the majority.
For many, struggling with “why” and “what’s it for” is a universal phenomenon.  If this is you, don’t take it too personally, as if there’s something horribly wrong with you.  What may seem very personal conundrum is also a common collective quagmire. One that doesn’t hold preference to age, race, religion, or sex… it’s actually a mark of our current times.  I see this as a constant working with people, and am certainly not immune to it myself.  BOS I remind myself (breathe, observe, surrender).  Meditation is my medicine.
For a few years, I haven’t quite fully grasped what it is I’m going through. Other than, the way I work, live, and love is dramatically changing before my eyes.  No amount of holding on can stop it.  Going against it only creates more befuddlement.  Ay, the great “Be Here Now and Trust” teacher seems to offer the greatest of stability.
Nurturing myself through resistance and rebellion, beneath the old “just work harder” coping mechanism, I’m finding self-forgiveness and ease sure lighten the load, and offer a more compassionate perspective, not only for others – yet for myself.  Peeling back the onion takes ample time, space, and self-care…  and it’s by far worth it, no matter the changes it asks me to make.
Orienting oneself for adapting  to changes truly helps!  Here are some of my mine:

  • start where you are
  • go slower
  • be comfortable with not knowing
  • choose total self-acceptance
  • put yourself first
  • dig deep within
  • give daily space and time to your well-being, passion and dreams… explore your curiosities
  • leave behind what may not be working anymore and nay-sayers
  • trust… yourself, life, and the bigger picture
  • do what you do because you love it, let go of “have to”

What are your birthing, and calling in as a your birthright? Claim it. Own it.  Herein lies the breakthrough.  May we take a stand for ourself, our gifts – what you really want – and simply own what we were born with. What makes you feel happy and excited?  Go there!!!
Love to you!
Dr. Amy

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