April News, Finding Your Voice & True Health – 6 Quick Tips

April 25, 2016
by Amy Rachelle

Dear Beloved Reader,
Thank you for your loyalty over the years…. many of us have been together a long time.
I’m changing the format of our monthly news to maximize your receiving, while minimizing the effort.  Less text, and more direct information, bathed in intimacy.
No matter the topic or turn of events, I believe intimacy is really what we want most. Sure is for me.  This format is intended to nurture your soul, while stimulating your mind, in fewer words.  Your feedback is ever welcome.
I’ve just spent the past 3 weeks in New York City, in deep study with my beautiful long-time vocal/music teacher Bettina, finding and refining my voice.  I also took out a long weekend to visit my family in Oklahoma, learning more about my life long struggle to even speak at times.  Ever want to speak up and out, though it just doesn’t come?
What’s it mean to find one’s voice?  How does this relate to true health?  For me it’s a heightened awareness between:  how freely expressed I am in my natural open state of uninhibited wellbeing, feeling good – or how constricted, shut down, silenced, and immobilized I feel (even to the point of ill health) – especially challenged in old family dynamics.  What is it for you?
Excuse me while I clear the “frog” in my throat… or la, la, la, la, la, la, la…. that’s better.
Silencing our own voice, others (or however we act out) – we often simultaneously lock out intimacy – and even health. Fortunately, we can make other choices.  For those who silence, we don’t always realize it can be just as destructive as those who rage.  Silencing to raging, these states are super-acidic for the body, lower pH, and are likely at the root of physical issues.
Yes eating healthy, staying super hydrated, managing vices, and exercising are crucial.  Though, you know that already.  What does your voice have to say?  Do you give exploring and expressing it importance as a base factor in maintaining good overall health?
Finding Your Voice & True Health – 6 Quick Tips:

  1. Be still, listen, and receive the voice inside of you.  What does it say?
  2. Dedicate yourself to speaking your truth.  What is your truth?  Journal  regularly to give your voice permission.
  3. Claim your health on all levels.  Give sound to what you feel, express yourself!

Question:  do you give yourself permission to express what you really feel and think?

  1. Respond instead of react, with different choices. Example:  “I choose to express myself appropriately, instead of shutting down and internalizing.”
  2. Do you have unresolved needs/feelings unexpressed in your relationships or at work?  Make a list, face them one by one.  Need help or find you’re postponing?  Seek emotional support with a qualified therapist (not just friends).
  3. Take singing lessons!  Train your voice to be available…. it most likely will be there for you, even if your emotions are unstable.

Here’s to getting that deep need met, to be seen – and heard.  May we first hear our own voice, see ourselves for who we really are, and courageously share from our pure nakedness.  Trusting, receiving – and letting go lots.
Love, Amy

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