Still Have IT Going On?

September 28, 2018
by Amy Rachelle

Dearest Reader,
Good day –  from New York City.
The slight hint of fall is in the air, a relief after the sweltering month of August – I actually love it.
As I was walking down the street this morning – in summer shorts and tank – a very bright homeless man in a wheel chair, in true NY street style said:  “you still got it goin’ on sister.”
I chuckled inside at that very NY moment… there’s a rawness and realness here that’s unique to this city. It’s at the core of why I love it. Dirty, loud, big – and real.  In my mind, it was less a commentary of me, my person, age, how I look, etc., and more an appreciation of our shared humanity.  When a potent truth is spoken, it has a way of touching us – no matter who it comes from.  It transcends cleanliness, having a home or not, and even one’s degree of sanity. Truth…. the great equalizer that connects our humanity.   Like it or not, solicited – or not – spoken truths serve as a snapshot into our interconnectedness;  also our lack of it, and need for it.
Then of course my ego chimed in, and I laughed at how the mind just loves to seek validation, in almost anyone or anything… and could miss the deeper meaning, blocked by “am I good enough” chatter.  Though in that moment, the most valuable thing was the connection of our joint humanity, and how his truth touched me… beyond any division we may otherwise perceive.  It also reminded me how the carving of age can serve as a catalyst to explore one’s depth, or it can be a bitter knife than never penetrates the hard surface… leaving one disconnected.
It also made me question his seemingly simple words…. and how we find (self) value.  What’s it mean for you…. “you still got it going on sister (or brother)?”  What’s your source of value, no matter the outer worlds opinion or view?  And what is that “it” factor that allows us to – still have it going on – no matter age, (changing) looks, money, etc?  Surely it’s an expression of one’s truth.
And even in times when we question our own value, truth – we feel restless – want things to move more, or we’re confused on where life is going – how very reassuring that we can always come home within, take care of body, and even challenge ourselves to get curious about our own truth within…. and its expression.
As summer fades to fall, what are you leaving behind – and taking with you as a resource to nourish and tap your expressive truth?  Does wisdom well call you deeper to drink of her truths?  Perhaps this nourishment is what it means to – still have it going on.
My love to you,

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