Go Vegan

4 steps

4 weeks

Eat Healthy, Live Healthy

People to Planet
This course is for you

if you want to...

Make better food choices?​
Learn about the food you eat and how it affects you and the environment?
Go vegan but not sure where to start?
Make better food choices?​
Learn about the food you eat and how it affects you and the environment?
Go vegan but not sure where to start?
Make better food choices?​
Learn about the food you eat and how it affects you and the environment?
Go vegan but not sure where to start?

4 weeks






Go Vegan

What will you learn?

Go Vegan, by Dr. Amy Rachelle, ND, gives you expert guidance at a fraction of the cost of a one-to-one nutritionist. With over 20 years experience, Amy has taught more than 1,000 students the power of a plant-based diet.

In just four weeks you’ll discover the powerful effects of plant-based eating and  living. Amy bridges conventional science with a spiritual, mental, and emotional understanding to give you the most thorough knowledge base available.

You will learn...

and so much more…

Who is it for?

If you’re ready to use delicious food as a tool for: healing fatigue, bloating, digestive issues, candida, skin problems, creating balance & emotional stability – without compromising flavor & fulfillment? This course is for you. 

If you’re looking to deepen your knowledge and understanding around food, health, and mindset. Ready to make lasting changes to improve your health and happiness?  This is definitely for you!

This course is for you if you...

How does it work?

To make a lasting change in your life, recipes are not enough. Go Vegan offers you an immersive environment with proven success, expert mentoring and mental reprogramming to ensure you achieve success and the changes you seek.

You will...

The course is online and consists of short training videos. Then you take action with our tools, templates, quick quizzes, and other methods to reinforce your learning. It takes 4 weeks to complete studying 1/2 hour daily. It starts when you enroll with lifetime access.

Go Vegan
Course Content
In just 8-weeks , we'll help you go vegan and stay began, here's how.
Week 1, Step 1

Mind Set & Set Up, Learn How

Week 2, Step 2

Plant Education, Understand Why

Week 3, Step 3

Food As Medicine, Wellness for Life

Week 4, Step 4

Empowerment, Transform Inside Out

Every year, I think of you remembering the amazing life-changing experience I had with you! I am forever grateful! It gave me tools to realign my life whenever I need to get back on track, in so many ways.

Paige B, New York City/USA



We guarantee your satisfaction! Thousands of students have completed these courses and if you are committed and follow our lead, you will see positive changes in your life.

That's why we offer a 30-day money back guarantee. If you see the course through but it doesn't work for you will refund you.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can finish the online course work anytime… sometimes people take a few weeks or a few months to finish it, and that’s fine with us, it’s up to you.

We love this question…

  • Our focus is not only on science. It is also on understanding why we use food in relation to how we live, what we go through – and how we feel – for reward, pleasure, and even when eating is used for punishment or negative reinforcement.
  • Emotions, lifestyle, relationships, and stress directly affect how we take care of ourselves. In this course, we study and investigate not only facts; we also consider how emotional and mental health affects physical health. We explore why we do what we do – in terms of how we use food and take care of self – in relation to personal challenges, family and social dynamics, managing stress, and ultimately, regarding cultivating healthy habits.
  • We create a caring, supportive, and held environment that allows for heightened learning.
  • Senior students act as mentors to help guide and support new students. We believe support is paramount to growing and being the best version of self.
  • It’s more than a course with lots to learn. It’s also a place to be personally supported and guided.
  • We invite highly selected experts in the field to support and educate you as well. Experience has taught us that students thrive best with a well-rounded education that other supportive teachers offer.
  • Though we teach about Veganism, our approach is much more than that . . . as we feel that health is bigger than what we eat and don’t eat.
  • We’re not here to teach you a doctrine, but rather to provide a versatile and strong curriculum that supports your education and thus enable you to determine what’s right for you.
  • Taking our work quite seriously, we also like to have fun and to keep things inspired and joyful.
  • Our students are international. We attract an eclectic group people from around the world who share a passion for the same topic, yet bring their own unique cultural flavor to the group.

Yes, by the AADP (American Association of Drugless Practitioners).

Though we are plant-, vegan- and raw-based, we don’t persuade people into one approach over another, although we do provide a comprehensive education that helps students make their own choices. The fact is, of course, no one diet is forever, for anyone. We understand that different foods may be needed at different times in a person’s life. It’s not necessary to be plant based, vegan or raw to take this course. We study the pros and cons equally of animal and plant foods, cooked and raw. We support students to understand when – and in what form – certain foods may be helpful or hindering depending on constitution and life circumstances. We feel that as we prepare you to coach, it is important to be well-versed to speak broad, yet precise, health language that targets a client’s health needs – physically and emotionally first – then supportively with diet and with detox second.

We suggest studying a half hour per day, 5 days per week.  Then using the 6th day as a catch up day, and taking the 7th day off each week to integrate.  You can also go through the course quicker, by doing more half hour modules in a day – or slower by doing less, the pace is up to you!

None! Complete beginners are welcome, you just need a commitment and passion to grow and learn

Likely, as Dr. Amy – who’s has created all the curriculum – has a different way of teaching that is original, unique, and cutting-edge. It’s not a cookie-cutter, one size fits all experience. The principles she teaches are based on being vegan herself for 27+ years, and teaching for 20.

Did we cover everything on your mind? If not drop us a line, and we’ll get right back with you. studentinfo@amyrachelle.com

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