Detox Q&A from Dr. Amy

September 10, 2014
by Amy Rachelle

I have some questions. Since the retreat I have been extremely sensitive to almost everything. I have eaten very little, and still on fasting days, I feel disturbed in my bowls. Also very gassy all the time. However, I have had regular and comfortable visits to the toilet. But it feels like I have become too rigid and nervous concerning foods in general. My mind is not relaxed and is fearful of ingesting.

I experiment with different foods, juices and blends, but there is no patterns which direct me in what to eat. A green juice can hurt more than a coffee etc.

Can you help me?

Amy writes:

What you’re experiencing isn’t uncommon in the beginning phases of the detox
process. I know it can seem frustrating, and concerning in terms of where you
find your mind at times. Know this is natural and all a part of the long term
cleansing process. It takes much experimentation, learning to be flexible and
unsure at times – and getting to know just how much congestion we have in
the beginning. This will change over time by allowing yourself to find your way
organically – letting go of expectations, pressure, or fear of doing things wrong…
experimenting is really how we learn, listening to the results of how the body
reacts, and adjusting. You’re learning your body, so you may not know what to
eat or do at times, though by sticking with it in a relaxed, aware, and non-rigid
way, you have the opportunity to really get to know (through trail and error)
what it needs.

Technically speaking, it sounds like you’ve hit major pockets of gas – actually
your symptoms are good new because it means your body is stirring up, and
attempting to eliminate the old waste… with time and keeping with your practice
and awareness of your body’s response, it will come out. It works in stages.
Typically first we have a hard belly (remember how you learned this about yourself
in class?) – this indicates dry, hard, compacted waste stored in the small and large
intestines. It could seem quite deceiving because you have such a beautiful flat
belly – though nonetheless, it was quite back up when you were here in Bali a few
months ago. Now through your diligence, the waste is loosening – which is the first
step in it becoming soluble enough to turn to slush and come out. In this stage, there
is often much gas pressure/storage to deal with that can cause cramping, bloating, and
pain. It’s enough to make you not want to eat anything, and often the mind can become
rigid here because we think we should be doing things a certain way. Likely your body
would prefer to fast now – even on just simple blends. When your digestion is congested,
and food isn’t working, we may need a break from eating, and only consume mushy/liquid
foods that are easy to digest… and that help turn hard old backed up stuff into soft slush.
This takes time, patience, and lots of letting go. You’re likely faced with emotional tension
at the same time. Are you storing stress in your belly? This will also cause constriction,
churning, and in turn a rough feeling in the body – and it’s compounded because you’re usually
not eliminating well (even if you are pooping twice per day – you’re still constipated, just not
quite as bad as when you first started… so see you are making progress).

The danger in this stage is when we don’t understand what’s happening with our body, we get
frustrated, and often end of doing what everyone else is doing – which means consuming foods,
holding stress, and in general not digesting well… of course you’ll likely feel frustrated and not
knowing what to do.

Here’s some suggestions:

1. Be sure to be drinking minimum 3 liters of water and/or tea, fresh vegetable juice (except
carrot and beet since too high in sugar), lemonade, etc… all clear liquids with no fiber. Even more
is better, given the amount of gas pressure you have (which remember, indicates there is a whole
lot of backed up poo with that the gas is blocking). Get it wet enough, consistently, so it can move.
2. Identify where you may be contributing to intestinal holding and keep letting go… this means
emotionally, with foods that are difficult to digest, do things you don’t want to do (stress), and in
general not listening to your body and intuition.
3. Do a daily enema each morning on an empty stomach after drinking a few liters of water. You could
do this for weeks, considering how backed up you’ve been/gassy. This is critical in getting out waste
your peritalsis muscle is to weak to eliminate naturally. Once you’ve gotten out enough (and some
sessions may be nothing be gas – good!), then you’re body will recover from any dependency from enemas
and likely start working much better on its own. Be patient and persistent.
4. Do a colonic at least once per week, as well as the enemas to really good deep with the cleansing.
5. Avoid dehydrated foods, too much fat, and anything non-juicy or difficult to digest.
6. What stresses you? Let go lots – live as stress free as possible by facing emotions, and letting them go.
7. Are you exercising regularly? If not, this will help much to increase your circulation.

So in essence love, please be patient with your self and non-rigid, experiment with different foods that may also may not always be raw, if that’s what your body is calling for. Keep letting go, and allowing yourself just to be, and remember its more about going slow, step by step, rather than attempting to force your body to do something its just not ready for. Enjoy each phase, be curious without goals or agendas around it… just do it for yourself, and keep letting go. From this place you can slow down with ease, enjoy the process, and truly learn from your

Let me know you do, and feel free to ask for help.

Big hug and love,

Amy Rachelle

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